Red Teaming - Basic Concepts and Frameworks

This article provides a basic overview of Red Teaming concepts and frameworks, including goals, scope, methodologies, and popular frameworks, with examples included, for those who are new to the field or looking for a refresher.

Metasploit Framework: An Overview of the Open Source Penetration Testing Tool

This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth overview of the Metasploit Framework, covering its history, components, modules, and real-world examples, empowering penetration testers and red teamers to effectively exploit vulnerabilities and enhance their skills using this powerful open-source tool.

Cobalt Strike Community Edition: Getting Started with the Open Source Red Teaming Tool

This comprehensive guide explores the open-source red teaming tool Cobalt Strike Community Edition, covering environment setup, reconnaissance, exploitation, post-exploitation, reporting, and cleanup while providing real-world examples and code samples for a technical audience.