Python - Advanced Python Debugging: Debugging Performance and Memory Issues

Explore advanced Python debugging: profile code with cProfile, measure time using timeit, identify memory leaks, and optimize scripts for red team ops.

Python - Python Libraries for Data Science: Exploring Pandas, Numpy, and Other Popular Libraries

Dive into Python’s data science libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn & Scikit-Learn, exploring their use in penetration testing and hacking.

Python - Object-Oriented Programming in Python: Advanced Concepts and Techniques

This article explores advanced object-oriented programming concepts in Python, such as decorators, inheritance, abstract base classes, composition, aggregation, and properties, along with practical code examples tailored for pen testers and red teamers to create robust and flexible software.

Python Programming Language - Basic Concepts and Syntax

This article covers the basic concepts and syntax of Python programming language and provides code examples for using Python in pen testing and red teaming.

How to Install Impacket

Explore this guide on installing and using Impacket, a Python network protocols library, emphasizing its role in penetration testing with real-world examples.