Red Teaming - OSINT Techniques for Social Engineering

Explore the power of OSINT in Red Teaming. Dive into techniques like social network profiling, dorking, and domain recon to bolster your social engineering skills. ๐Ÿš€

Cloud Security - Serverless Security Best Practices

Explore serverless security best practices, from granular permissions to input validation, to stay ahead of threats in the evolving cloud landscape. ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”

Ruby - Rails Routing: Advanced Routing Concepts and Techniques

Mastering advanced Rails routing and its cybersecurity implications equips us to unearth potential vulnerabilities, enhancing web application security

IoT Security - Best Practices and Common Vulnerabilities

This article provides a detailed overview of IoT security best practices and common vulnerabilities for an advanced audience of experienced security professionals, covering topics such as secure communication protocols, firmware updates, strong passwords, network segmentation, and more.

Social Engineering - Pretexting Techniques

This article is a comprehensive guide for technical audiences on the social engineering technique of pretexting, including common techniques, real-world examples, and prevention/mitigation strategies.

Phishing Attacks - Detection and Prevention

This article discusses the different types of phishing attacks, how they work, and techniques for detecting and preventing them.

Efficient Web Development with Rails - Best Practices and Tips

This article covers efficient web development with Rails, discussing best practices, tips, and specific security considerations for pen testers and red teamers, with a focus on the Rails framework, MVC pattern, and common web vulnerabilities.