Welcome to another edition of Computer History Wednesdays, fellow tech enthusiasts and security aficionados! Today, we’re diving deep into a topic at the heart of modern cybersecurity: the development of cryptography and cryptographic standards in the 1990s. This era was pivotal for cryptography, transforming it from a niche academic subject into a cornerstone of digital security. We’ll journey through the historical milestones, explore their impact on cybersecurity, delve into technical tidbits, and share a few fascinating trivia items. So, let’s get started!


Phase 1: The Early 1990s - Laying the Foundations

The early 1990s were a time of significant transition for cryptography. Before this period, cryptographic techniques were mainly the domain of government and military institutions. However, the rise of personal computing and the burgeoning internet era necessitated a shift towards more accessible and robust cryptographic methods.

During this phase, one of the most notable developments was the public availability of the RSA algorithm. Invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, RSA has primarily been used in academia and government. By the early 1990s, RSA had become widely implemented in commercial applications, such as secure email and digital signatures, thanks to its strong security properties and the increasing need for encryption in personal computing.

Another significant event was the creation of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) in 1991. Proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as part of the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), DSA was a significant step in formalizing cryptographic standards. This standardization ensured interoperability and security across various platforms and applications.

The Clipper Chip controversy also marked this period. Introduced by the U.S. government in 1993, the Clipper Chip was designed to provide secure communication while allowing government agencies access to encryption keys through a built-in backdoor. This proposal met with significant resistance from privacy advocates and the tech community, sparking a heated debate about the balance between security and privacy.

In 1994, NIST released the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), adding another vital tool to the cryptographic toolbox. SHA-0, as it is now known, laid the groundwork for subsequent versions of the algorithm, which would become integral to data integrity and authentication processes.

The early 1990s set the stage for cryptography to become essential to everyday digital life. The foundation laid during this period would support the explosive growth of cryptographic applications in the future.

Phase 2: Mid-1990s - The Cryptography Wars

The mid-1990s saw intense debates and rapid advancements in cryptographic technology. This period, often called the “Cryptography Wars,” saw significant conflict between government entities seeking control over encryption technologies and advocates for privacy and open standards.

One of the key events was Bruce Schneier’s publication of “Applied Cryptography” in 1994. This seminal work made complex cryptographic concepts accessible to a broader audience and provided practical implementations of cryptographic algorithms. Schneier’s book played a crucial role in democratizing cryptography, enabling developers and security professionals to incorporate strong encryption into their applications.

The rise of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) also marked this period. Created by Phil Zimmermann in 1991 and widely adopted by the mid-1990s, PGP allowed individuals to encrypt emails and files securely. Its popularity underscored the growing demand for personal privacy and secure communication tools in the digital age.

Simultaneously, the U.S. government continued its efforts to regulate cryptography. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) proposal in 1994 aimed to ensure that telecommunications companies provided law enforcement with access to communications. While not explicitly focused on cryptography, CALEA highlighted the broader concerns about government surveillance and the use of encryption to protect privacy.

In 1996, the passage of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) further complicated the landscape. While ECPA provided some protections for electronic communications, it also included provisions that allowed government access under certain conditions, adding to the ongoing debate about privacy and security.

The mid-1990s also saw NIST introduce the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) competition. This competition aimed to identify a successor to the Data Encryption Standard (DES), vulnerable to brute-force attacks. The AES competition attracted global participation and led to the selection of the Rijndael algorithm in 2000, which would become the new standard for symmetric-key encryption.

Phase 3: Late 1990s - Standardization and Global Impact

The late 1990s marked significant strides in the standardization and global adoption of cryptographic technologies. This period saw the maturation of cryptographic protocols and the establishment of standards defining secure communications for years to come.

In 1997, NIST launched the AES competition, inviting cryptographers worldwide to submit algorithms for consideration as the new encryption standard. The competition aimed to replace DES, which had become increasingly vulnerable. After rigorous analysis and testing, the Rijndael algorithm, developed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, was selected in 2000. AES’s adoption marked a significant milestone in the evolution of cryptographic standards, providing a robust and efficient encryption method widely used today.

The growth of the internet and e-commerce also drove the development of cryptographic standards. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, initially developed by Netscape in 1994, underwent significant enhancements and standardization. By the late 1990s, SSL had become the de facto standard for securing online transactions, enabling secure communication between web browsers and servers. SSL’s successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), was introduced in 1999, further enhancing security and performance.

The late 1990s also saw the internationalization of cryptographic standards. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) played vital roles in developing and promoting global standards for cryptography. ISO/IEC 9798, for example, defined mechanisms for entity authentication using cryptographic techniques, ensuring interoperability across different systems and applications.

Another significant development during this period was the rise of public critical infrastructure (PKI). PKI systems provided a framework for managing digital certificates and public-key encryption, enabling secure communication and authentication on a large scale. Establishing Certificate Authorities (CAs) and the widespread use of X.509 certificates facilitated the adoption of PKI in various sectors, including government, finance, and healthcare.

The late 1990s also witnessed the resolution of the Cryptography Wars, at least in part. In 1999, the U.S. government relaxed export controls on cryptographic software, allowing more robust encryption technologies to be distributed globally. This policy change was a significant victory for privacy advocates and the tech industry, enabling the widespread use of strong encryption to protect data and communications.

Phase 4: The Turn of the Millennium - Cryptography Comes of Age

As the world approached the new millennium, cryptography had firmly established itself as a critical component of digital security. The developments of the 1990s laid a solid foundation, and the early 2000s saw further advancements and the integration of cryptographic technologies into everyday life.

One of the significant milestones was the formal adoption of AES as the encryption standard by NIST in 2001. AES’s selection marked the culmination of years of research and collaboration, providing a highly secure and efficient encryption method that would be widely used across various applications, from securing data at rest to protecting information in transit.

The turn of the millennium also saw the proliferation of wireless communication technologies, such as Wi-Fi and mobile networks. These advancements brought new challenges and opportunities for cryptography. In 2003, the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) protocol addressed the security vulnerabilities of the earlier Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) standard, providing stronger encryption and authentication mechanisms for wireless networks.

Another significant development was the emergence of virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs utilize cryptographic techniques to create secure tunnels over public networks, enabling remote access to private networks and protecting data from eavesdropping and tampering. The widespread adoption of VPNs in corporate environments and by individual users highlighted the importance of cryptography in safeguarding privacy and security in an increasingly connected world.

The early 2000s also saw the rise of end-to-end encryption in messaging applications. The introduction of the Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging protocol in 2004 provided secure, encrypted communication between users, ensuring that messages could not be intercepted or tampered with. OTR’s development and subsequent adoption by various messaging platforms underscored the growing demand for secure communication tools.

Cryptographic algorithms and standards evolved, with ongoing research and development addressing emerging threats and challenges. The introduction of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) offered an alternative to traditional public-key algorithms, providing robust security with smaller key sizes. ECC’s adoption of various standards, such as TLS and PKI, demonstrated its potential to enhance security and efficiency in multiple applications.

As we reflect on the development of cryptography in the 1990s and its impact on the turn of the millennium, it becomes clear that this period was crucial in shaping the digital security landscape we navigate today. This era’s advancements and standardization efforts laid the groundwork for the robust cryptographic technologies that protect our data, communications, and digital identities.


Cryptography has always been at the heart of cybersecurity, and its development in the 1990s was pivotal in shaping the strategies and tools we use today to protect digital assets. The following sections explore how cryptographic advancements from that era apply to various aspects of cybersecurity.

Secure Communication

One of the most significant impacts of 1990s cryptography on cybersecurity is the establishment of secure communication protocols. SSL and its successor, TLS, are prime examples. These protocols enable secure communication over the internet by encrypting data transmitted between clients and servers. This encryption prevents eavesdropping, tampering, and forgery, ensuring that sensitive information such as login credentials, financial transactions, and personal data remain confidential and secure.

The adoption of public critical infrastructure (PKI) further enhances secure communication. PKI systems use digital certificates to verify the identity of entities involved in communication, ensuring that data is exchanged between trusted parties. This verification is crucial for establishing secure connections, particularly in online transactions, email communications, and virtual private networks (VPNs).

Data Integrity and Authentication

Cryptographic standards developed in the 1990s also play a vital role in ensuring data integrity and authentication. Hash functions, such as the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), are widely used to generate unique digital data fingerprints. These fingerprints, or hash values, can be used to verify the integrity of data, ensuring that it has not been altered or tampered with.

Digital signatures, another critical development from this era, authenticate the origin and integrity of digital documents and messages. Using algorithms like RSA and DSA, digital signatures verify the sender’s identity and assure that the content has not been modified. This capability is essential for secure email communication, software distribution, and legal contracts.

Access Control and Authorization

Cryptographic techniques are also fundamental to access control and authorization mechanisms in cybersecurity. Passwords, for example, are typically stored as hashed values in databases, ensuring that the original passwords remain protected even if the database is compromised. Modern authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), often rely on cryptographic algorithms to generate and verify one-time passwords (OTPs) and secure tokens.

Public key cryptography, as standardized in the 1990s, is also widely used in access control systems. For instance, SSH (Secure Shell) uses public key pairs to authenticate users and establish secure remote server connections. Similarly, digital certificates are employed in access control systems to grant or deny access to resources based on the user’s credentials and privileges.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The development of robust encryption algorithms in the 1990s has been crucial for ensuring privacy and confidentiality in the digital age. AES, for example, provides symmetric solid encryption that protects data at rest and in transit. This protection is essential for safeguarding sensitive information stored on devices, transmitted over networks, and shared through communication platforms.

End-to-end encryption, popularized by messaging applications like WhatsApp and Signal, relies on cryptographic techniques to ensure that only the intended recipients can read the messages. This level of privacy is vital for protecting personal conversations, confidential business communications, and sensitive data exchanges from unauthorized access and surveillance.

Cryptanalysis and Security Research

The advancements in cryptography during the 1990s also spurred significant progress in cryptanalysis and security research. Developing new cryptographic algorithms and protocols prompted rigorous analysis and testing to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This ongoing research is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of cryptographic systems.

Cryptanalysis techniques, such as differential and linear cryptanalysis, have been applied to evaluate the strength of encryption algorithms and identify potential attack vectors. This research has led to refining and enhancing cryptographic standards, ensuring they remain resilient against evolving threats and attack methods.

Emerging Threats and Challenges

Despite the significant progress made in the 1990s, cryptography faces emerging threats and challenges. Advances in computing power, particularly quantum computing, pose potential risks to traditional cryptographic algorithms. Quantum computers, with their ability to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds, could break widely used encryption methods like RSA and ECC.

In response to these challenges, researchers are exploring post-quantum cryptography, which aims to develop cryptographic algorithms resistant to quantum attacks. These efforts are crucial for ensuring the long-term security of cryptographic systems and protecting sensitive information in the quantum era.

Technical Tidbits

For those who relish diving into the technical depths, this section provides some extremely technical, low-level facts about cryptography and cryptographic standards from the 1990s. These tidbits offer a closer look at the intricate details and nuances that make cryptographic technologies fascinating.

  1. RSA Key Generation: RSA key generation involves selecting two large prime numbers, \( p \) and \( q \), and computing their product \( n = pq \). The security of RSA relies on the difficulty of factoring this large composite number \( n \) back into its prime factors.

  2. ** SHA-1 Compression Function **: The SHA-1 algorithm processes data in 512-bit blocks using a compression function. This function involves 80 rounds of operations, including bitwise logical operations, modular additions, and rotations, to produce a 160-bit hash value.

  3. AES Key Expansion: The AES key expansion process generates round keys from the initial encryption key. This process involves applying the Rijndael S-box, byte substitution, row shifting, and column mixing operations to produce a unique round key for each encryption round.

  4. Elliptic Curve Point Addition: Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) relies on the mathematical properties of elliptic curves over finite fields. Point addition on an elliptic curve involves calculating the slope of the line through two points, finding the intersection with the curve, and reflecting the result to obtain the sum.

  5. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: The Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol allows two parties to share a secret key over an insecure channel securely. It relies on the mathematical difficulty of computing discrete logarithms in a finite field, making it computationally infeasible for an attacker to derive the shared key.

  6. Digital Signature Verification: Digital signature verification involves using public key cryptography to ensure the authenticity and integrity of a message. The verification process includes applying a hash function to the message and using the sender’s public key to decrypt the signature and compare it with the hash value.

  7. Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Block cipher modes of operation, such as Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Counter (CTR) mode, define how block ciphers like AES encrypt and decrypt data. CBC mode, for example, XORs each plaintext block with the previous ciphertext block before encryption, adding an extra layer of security.

  8. PKI Certificate Chains: Certificate chains establish trust relationships between entities in a public key infrastructure (PKI). A certificate chain starts with a root certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and includes intermediate certificates leading to the end-entity certificate. Each certificate in the chain is digitally signed by the previous certificate’s issuer.

  9. Cryptographic Random Number Generation: Secure random number generation is critical for cryptographic applications. Cryptographic random number generators (CSPRNGs) use entropy sources, such as hardware noise or system state, combined with cryptographic algorithms to produce unpredictable and secure random numbers.

  10. Key Derivation Functions: Key derivation functions (KDFs) generate cryptographic keys from a master key or password. KDFs, such as PBKDF2 and HKDF, apply cryptographic hashing and iteration processes to derive keys with the desired properties, ensuring they resist brute-force and dictionary attacks.


Cryptography’s rich history is filled with intriguing anecdotes and lesser-known facts. Here are ten trivia items highlighting fascinating stories and milestones in developing cryptographic standards during the 1990s.

  1. Zimmermann’s Law: Phil Zimmermann, the creator of PGP, formulated Zimmermann’s Law, which states, “The natural flow of technology tends to move in the direction of making surveillance easier, and the ability of computers to track us doubles approximately every two years.” This observation underscores the ongoing tension between privacy and surveillance.

  2. Clipper Chip Backdoor: The Clipper Chip, proposed by the U.S. government in 1993, included a built-in backdoor for law enforcement access. However, researchers discovered vulnerabilities in the Clipper Chip’s key escrow system, demonstrating that unauthorized parties could exploit the backdoor, leading to the chip’s eventual abandonment.

  3. PGP Legal Battles: In the early 1990s, Phil Zimmermann faced legal scrutiny for exporting PGP outside the United States, as cryptographic software was classified as a munition under U.S. export control laws. The case was eventually dropped, but it highlighted the legal challenges surrounding the distribution of cryptographic technology.

  4. DES Challenge: In 1997, RSA Security launched the DES Challenge to demonstrate the vulnerability of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) to brute-force attacks. A distributed computing effort successfully cracked a DES-encrypted message in just 56 hours, underscoring the need for more robust encryption standards like AES.

  5. SSL v3.0 Flaw: The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, which laid the groundwork for secure internet communication, was found to have a significant flaw in version 3.0. The flaw, known as the “POODLE” (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack, allowed attackers to exploit SSL v3.0’s vulnerability in handling padding, leading to its deprecation.

  6. AES Selection Process: The AES competition attracted submissions from cryptographers worldwide, resulting in 15 candidate algorithms. The rigorous evaluation process involved analyzing security, performance, and implementation characteristics, culminating in selecting the Rijndael algorithm as the AES standard.

  7. SSL Certificate Scams: In the late 1990s, some unscrupulous entities exploited the demand for SSL certificates by selling fraudulent or misleading certificates. This led to increased efforts to establish trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and strengthen the integrity of the PKI ecosystem.

  8. Diffie-Hellman Patent Expiration: The patent for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, filed in 1976, expired in 1997. This expiration allowed for broader implementation and use of the algorithm, contributing to the widespread adoption of secure key exchange methods in cryptographic protocols.

  9. Elliptic Curve Breakthroughs: Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) development in the 1990s was a significant breakthrough. ECC provided strong security with smaller key sizes than traditional algorithms like RSA, making it particularly suited for resource-constrained environments like mobile devices.

  10. Quantum Computing Threat: Even in the 1990s, researchers began exploring the potential impact of quantum computing on cryptography. The theoretical foundations laid during this period would eventually lead to the development of post-quantum cryptography, addressing the threat posed by quantum computers to classical cryptographic algorithms.


The 1990s were a transformative decade for cryptography, marked by significant advancements, intense debates, and the establishment of standards that continue to shape the digital security landscape today. From the democratization of cryptographic knowledge through publications like “Applied Cryptography” to the development of robust encryption standards like AES and the rise of secure communication protocols, the contributions of this era have been profound.

As we reflect on this rich history, it becomes clear that the work of the 1990s has laid the foundation for the secure and private digital world we strive to maintain today. The lessons learned, challenges faced, and triumphs achieved continue to inspire and guide the ongoing efforts to enhance and protect the integrity of our digital communications and data.

Stay tuned for more deep dives into the fascinating world of computer history. Until next time, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in cybersecurity!