Greetings, fellow hackers! Welcome to another thrilling edition of Programming Thursdays on our beloved blog dedicated to red teams and pen testers. In this segment, we’ll dive deep into the world of Rust memory management, unraveling its advanced concepts and techniques. You’ve probably read our introductory article on Rust, so now it’s time to up the ante and make our code more efficient and secure.

We’ll assume you have a working knowledge of the Rust language and its syntax. If you’re new to Rust or need a refresher, I recommend reviewing our previous article first.

Ready to become a Rust memory management master? Let’s get started!

Overview of Memory Management in Rust

Rust, the systems programming language, has gained significant traction in the security community due to its focus on safety, performance, and concurrency. Rust’s memory management system is designed to eliminate common programming errors, such as null pointer dereferences, dangling pointers, and buffer overflows. It does so without imposing the performance overhead of garbage collection.

At the heart of Rust’s memory management lies the concept of ownership. In Rust, every value has a single owner - the variable that holds it. When the owner goes out of scope, the value is automatically deallocated. This simple rule, combined with Rust’s borrowing system, allows the language to guarantee memory safety and eliminate data races at compile time, without relying on a garbage collector.

Lifetime and Borrowing in Rust

To understand Rust’s memory management better, we must delve into lifetimes and borrowing. Lifetimes are annotations that we add to our code to help the compiler understand how long references to a value should be valid. Borrowing is a mechanism that allows us to temporarily share ownership of a value without transferring it or creating a new copy.


In Rust, a lifetime is denoted by a single quote followed by a lowercase identifier, like 'a. Lifetimes are used to express relationships between the lifetimes of multiple references.

Here’s an example of a function with explicit lifetime annotations:

fn longest<'a>(s1: &'a str, s2: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    if s1.len() > s2.len() {
    } else {

This function takes two string slices (&str) and returns a reference to the longest one. The lifetime annotations 'a tell the compiler that the lifetimes of the input references and the returned reference are related. Specifically, the returned reference is guaranteed to be valid for the duration of the shortest lifetime among the input references.


Borrowing allows us to temporarily share ownership of a value without transferring it or creating a new copy. There are two types of borrowing: mutable and immutable.

  1. Immutable borrowing: When we borrow a value immutably, we create a reference (&T) to that value. We can have multiple immutable references to the same value, but we cannot mutate the value through those references. Immutable borrowing is useful when we want to read data without taking ownership or modifying it. Example:
fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello");

    let len = calculate_length(&s);

    println!("The length of '{}' is {}.", s, len);

fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize {

In this example, we create a string s and pass an immutable reference to it (&s) to the calculate_length function. This function takes a reference to a String and returns the length of the string. Since we’re only borrowing the string immutably, we can still use s after the function call.

  1. Mutable borrowing: When we borrow a value mutably, we create a mutable reference (&mut T) to that value. We can have at most one mutable reference to the same value in a particular scope, and we cannot have any immutable references alongside it. Mutable borrowing is useful when we want to modify data without taking ownership. Example:
fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");

    change(&mut s);

    println!("Changed string: {}", s);

fn change(s: &mut String) {
    s.push_str(", world!");

In this example, we create a mutable string s and pass a mutable reference to it (&mut s) to the change function. This function takes a mutable reference to a String and appends a new substring to it. Since we’re borrowing the string mutably, we can modify it through the mutable reference.

Advanced Borrowing Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics of lifetimes and borrowing, let’s explore some advanced borrowing techniques that can help us write more efficient and flexible Rust code.

Multiple Mutable References with Interior Mutability

As we mentioned earlier, Rust’s borrowing rules only allow a single mutable reference or multiple immutable references to a value in a given scope. However, there are cases when we need to bend these rules, such as when we’re working with shared mutable state across threads.

To achieve this, Rust provides a concept called interior mutability. It allows us to mutate data through an immutable reference by moving the mutation checks from compile-time to runtime. The most common way to use interior mutability is with the RefCell type.


use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main() {
    let shared_data = RefCell::new(String::from("hello"));


    println!("Shared data: {}", shared_data.borrow());

fn modify_data(data: &RefCell<String>) {
    let mut data_mut = data.borrow_mut();
    data_mut.push_str(", world!");

In this example, we wrap a String inside a RefCell and pass an immutable reference to the RefCell to the modify_data function. This function borrows the RefCell mutably, allowing us to mutate the underlying String. Note that if we try to create multiple mutable references to the same RefCell simultaneously, we’ll get a runtime panic.

Using Rc and Arc for Shared Ownership

Rust’s ownership system assumes that each value has a single owner, which can lead to problems when we need to share ownership of a value between multiple parts of our code. To handle such cases, Rust provides the Rc (Reference Counting) and Arc (Atomic Reference Counting) types.

Rc and Arc are smart pointers that keep track of the number of references to a value. When the reference count drops to zero, the value is deallocated. Rc is used for single-threaded scenarios, while Arc is used for multi-threaded scenarios.


use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
    let data = Rc::new(String::from("hello"));

    let data_clone1 = Rc::clone(&data);
    let data_clone2 = Rc::clone(&data);

    println!("Data: {}", data);
    println!("Data clone 1: {}", data_clone1);
    println!("Data clone 2: {}", data_clone2);

In this example, we create a String and wrap it in an Rc. We then create two clones of the Rc using the Rc::clone method. Each clone shares ownership of the underlying String with the original Rc. When all three Rcs go out of scope, the String will be deallocated.

For multi-threaded scenarios, we would use Arc instead of Rc. The usage is almost identical, except we would import std::sync::Arc and replace Rc with Arc.

Unsafe Code and Raw Pointers

Rust’s safety guarantees are impressive, but there are cases when we need to bypass them to achieve greater performance, interface with other languages, or access low-level system resources. In such cases, we can use unsafe code.

Unsafe code allows us to perform actions that are not checked by Rust’s safety rules. While this can lead to more efficient code, it also means that we’re responsible for ensuring memory safety ourselves. Unsafe code should be used sparingly and encapsulated in safe abstractions whenever possible.

One of the key features of unsafe code is the ability to work with raw pointers. Raw pointers are similar to references, but they don’t have the safety guarantees of Rust’s borrowing system. There are two types of raw pointers: *const T ( immutable) and *mut T (mutable).


fn main() {
    let x = 42;
    let y = &x as *const i32;

    unsafe {
        println!("Value of x: {}", *y);

In this example, we create an integer x and cast its immutable reference to a raw pointer y. To dereference the raw pointer and read the value of x, we use an unsafe block. Note that we’re responsible for ensuring that the raw pointer is valid and aligned when we dereference it.

Advanced Memory Management Techniques for Red Teamers and Pen Testers

As red teamers and pen testers, we often work with untrusted data and low-level system resources, making efficient and secure memory management crucial. In this section, we’ll explore some advanced Rust memory management techniques relevant to our domain.

Custom Allocators

Rust’s default memory allocator, std::alloc::Global, is a general-purpose allocator that provides good performance and safety guarantees for most use cases. However, there might be situations where you need a custom allocator with specific performance characteristics or additional security features, such as guard pages or address space layout randomization ( ASLR).

Rust allows us to replace the default allocator with a custom one using the #[global_allocator] attribute. To create a custom allocator, we need to implement the std::alloc::Allocator trait and provide methods for allocating, deallocating, and resizing memory.


use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System};

struct CustomAllocator;

unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for CustomAllocator {
    unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
        // Implement custom allocation logic here
        // For demonstration purposes, we'll delegate to the system allocator

    unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
        // Implement custom deallocation logic here
        // For demonstration purposes, we'll delegate to the system allocator
        System.dealloc(ptr, layout)

static GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR: CustomAllocator = CustomAllocator;

fn main() {
    let data = Box::new(42);
    println!("Data: {}", data);

In this example, we define a custom allocator CustomAllocator that delegates memory allocation and deallocation to the system allocator. We then set this allocator as the global allocator for our program. All heap allocations in our program will now use CustomAllocator instead of the default allocator.

Zeroizing Sensitive Data

When working with sensitive data like cryptographic keys or passwords, it’s essential to ensure that the data is securely erased from memory after use. Rust provides a crate called zeroize that can help us with this task.

First, add the zeroize crate to your Cargo.toml:

zeroize = "1.6.0"

Next, use the Zeroize trait and derive macro to zeroize sensitive data:

use zeroize::Zeroize;

#[derive(Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
struct SensitiveData {
    data: [u8; 32],

impl SensitiveData {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            data: [42; 32],

fn main() {
    let sensitive_data = SensitiveData::new();

    // Use sensitive_data

    // When sensitive_data goes out of scope, its memory will be securely zeroized

In this example, we define a struct SensitiveData that holds an array of bytes. We derive the Zeroize trait for the struct and add the ZeroizeOnDrop attribute, which automatically zeroizes the struct’s memory when it goes out of scope.

Implementing a Memory Scanner

As red teamers and pen testers, we often need to search a target process’s memory for specific patterns or data. With Rust’s low-level memory manipulation capabilities, we can efficiently implement a memory scanner.

use std::ptr::{read_unaligned, write_unaligned};

fn search_memory<T: PartialEq>(haystack: &[u8], needle: &T) -> Option<usize> {
    let needle_ptr = needle as *const T as *const u8;
    let needle_len = std::mem::size_of::<T>();

    for i in 0..haystack.len() - needle_len {
        let haystack_ptr = &haystack[i] as *const u8;

        unsafe {
            let haystack_value = read_unaligned::<T>(haystack_ptr);
            let needle_value = read_unaligned::<T>(needle_ptr);

            if haystack_value == needle_value {
                return Some(i);


fn main() {
    let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
    let pattern: u32 = 0x04030201;

    if let Some(index) = search_memory(&data, &pattern) {
        println!("Pattern found at index: {}", index);
    } else {
        println!("Pattern not found");

In this example, we implement a search_memory function that searches for a specific pattern (needle) in a byte slice (haystack). The function returns the index of the first occurrence of the pattern if found, or None otherwise.

The search_memory function uses raw pointers and read_unaligned to read memory at arbitrary byte offsets. This allows us to search for patterns of arbitrary types (e.g., integers, floats, or structs) without requiring the input data to be aligned.

In the main function, we create a Vec<u8> containing some data and define a u32 pattern to search for. We then call the search_memory function to find the pattern’s index in the data.

This memory scanner can be adapted for various use cases, such as searching for specific byte sequences in a target process’s memory, scanning for known malware signatures, or detecting memory leaks.


In this article, we’ve explored Rust’s advanced memory management concepts and techniques, focusing on lifetimes, borrowing, interior mutability, shared ownership, unsafe code, and raw pointers. We’ve also looked at specific memory management techniques relevant to red teamers and pen testers, such as implementing custom allocators, zeroizing sensitive data, and building a memory scanner.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to write efficient, secure, and reliable Rust code for your red team and pen testing operations. Remember to use unsafe code sparingly, always consider the security implications of your memory management decisions, and strive to build safe abstractions around low-level operations.

Keep hacking, and stay safe out there!