Hey there, fellow red teamers and pen testers! Are you tired of skimming through countless network protocol analysis resources that lack the in-depth information you seek? Well, your search ends here! This article will delve deep into network protocol analysis, focusing on two fantastic tools, Wireshark and tcpdump. Get ready to dive into the world of packets, protocols, and hacking with these powerful and versatile tools. Grab a coffee, sit back, and let’s get started!

Network Protocol Analysis: An Overview

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of Wireshark and tcpdump, it’s important to understand the basics of network protocol analysis. In the world of hacking and pen testing, network protocol analysis (also known as packet sniffing or network traffic analysis) is the process of intercepting, capturing, and decoding network packets to analyze the data they contain.

This information is invaluable for a hacker, as it provides insights into network configurations, vulnerabilities, and potential attack vectors. Network protocol analysis can reveal:

  • The types of protocols and services used in a network
  • The communication patterns between devices
  • Data leakage or improperly secured data transmissions
  • Potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in network devices and applications

For a pen tester, it’s crucial to understand the underlying protocols and their potential weaknesses to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. This is where Wireshark and tcpdump come in - two powerful tools that can help us decipher the language of network packets.

Wireshark: The Swiss Army Knife of Network Analysis

Wireshark is a widely-used, open-source network protocol analyzer that can capture live network traffic, as well as read saved capture files. Its graphical interface makes it easy to visualize and dissect network traffic, and its extensive set of dissectors and filters allows for deep analysis of a variety of protocols.

Installing Wireshark is as easy as running the following commands on your Linux machine:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install wireshark

After installation, simply run wireshark in your terminal to launch the application.

Capturing and Analyzing Network Traffic

To start capturing traffic, select the desired interface from the list and click on the ‘Start’ button. Wireshark will begin to capture packets traversing that interface, displaying them in real-time.

The main Wireshark window is divided into three sections:

  • Packet List Pane: Displays a list of captured packets, along with basic information such as timestamp, source and destination addresses, and protocol.
  • Packet Details Pane: Displays detailed information about the selected packet, including the various protocol layers and their respective fields.
  • Packet Bytes Pane: Displays the raw data of the packet in both hexadecimal and ASCII format.

Let’s say you want to analyze an HTTP request from your machine to a specific website. To do so, simply apply an HTTP filter by typing http in the filter bar and hitting Enter. This will display only packets related to the HTTP protocol.

You can further dissect an HTTP packet by clicking on it and expanding the different protocol layers in the Packet Details Pane.

Following TCP Streams

Wireshark’s ‘Follow TCP Stream’ feature allows you to view the entire conversation between a client and a server. This can be particularly useful when analyzing protocols that use a series of back-and-forth messages, such as HTTP or FTP.

To follow a TCP stream, simply right-click on a packet that’s part of the desired conversation, and select ‘Follow’ > ' TCP Stream’. This will open a new window displaying the entire conversation in a human-readable format.

For example, if you want to analyze an FTP session, you can apply a filter like tcp.port == 21 to display only FTP-related packets, then follow the TCP stream to see the login process, file transfers, and other commands issued during the session.

Exporting and Saving Data

Wireshark offers several options to save and export captured data for further analysis or reporting purposes. To save the entire capture, go to ‘File’ > ‘Save As’ and choose a desired format, such as PCAP or PCAP-NG.

To export only specific data, you can use the ‘Export’ menu, which offers options like exporting packet dissections as plain text, CSV, XML, or JSON, or exporting objects (such as HTTP, DICOM, or SMB objects) for more focused analysis.

Tcpdump: The Lightweight Packet Sniffer

Tcpdump is a command-line packet sniffer that can capture and display network traffic in real-time or save it to a file for later analysis. While it doesn’t have Wireshark’s graphical interface, its lightweight nature and command-line flexibility make it a popular choice among hackers and pen testers.

To install tcpdump on a Linux machine, simply run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tcpdump

Basic Usage and Filters

Capturing network traffic with tcpdump is as simple as running sudo tcpdump -i <interface>, where <interface> is the desired network interface (e.g., eth0 or wlan0).

By default, tcpdump displays captured packets in a human-readable format, including timestamp, source and destination addresses, and protocol information. However, its real power lies in its filtering capabilities.

Tcpdump uses the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax for filtering. Here are a few examples:

  • Capture only ICMP packets: sudo tcpdump -i eth0 icmp
  • Capture only TCP packets to or from a specific IP address: sudo tcpdump -i eth0 tcp and host
  • Capture only HTTP traffic (TCP port 80): sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'tcp port 80'

Reading and Writing Capture Files

Tcpdump can read from and write to PCAP files, making it easy to analyze captured traffic later or share it with others. To save captured traffic to a file, simply add the -w option followed by the desired filename:

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture.pcap

To read a saved capture file, use the -r option:

tcpdump -r capture.pcap

Protocol Dissection and Filtering Techniques

Both Wireshark and tcpdump offer powerful filtering capabilities, allowing you to focus on specific protocols, addresses, or ports. This section will cover some common filtering techniques and examples for both tools.

Filtering by Protocol

To filter by protocol in Wireshark, simply type the protocol name in the filter bar (e.g., dns, http, arp). In tcpdump, you can use the protocol name directly in the BPF filter (e.g., sudo tcpdump -i eth0 arp).

Filtering by IP Address

In Wireshark, use the ip.addr field to filter by IP address (e.g., ip.addr == ). To filter by source or destination address, use ip.srcandip.dstfields, respectively (e.g., ip.src ==

In tcpdump, use the host keyword followed by the IP address (e.g., sudo tcpdump -i eth0 host To filter by source or destination address, use the src and dst keywords, respectively ( e.g., sudo tcpdump -i eth0 src

Filtering by Port

In Wireshark, use the tcp.port or udp.port fields to filter by port number (e.g., tcp.port == 80). To filter by source or destination port, use tcp.srcport and tcp.dstport fields, respectively (e.g., tcp.srcport == 80).

In tcpdump, use the port keyword followed by the port number (e.g., sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'tcp port 80'). To filter by source or destination port, use the src port and dst port keywords, respectively ( e.g., sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'tcp src port 80').

Combining Filters

Both Wireshark and tcpdump allow you to combine filters using logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT. In Wireshark, use the &&, ||, and ! operators, respectively (e.g., ip.src == && tcp.dstport == 80).

In tcpdump, use the and, or, and not keywords, respectively ( e.g., sudo tcpdump -i eth0 'src and tcp dst port 80').

Use Cases and Real-world Examples

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Wireshark and tcpdump, let’s explore some real-world examples and use cases for network protocol analysis.

Identifying Rogue Devices

Network protocol analysis can help you identify rogue or unauthorized devices on a network by analyzing broadcast traffic, such as ARP or DHCP requests. For example, you can use Wireshark to capture ARP traffic (arp) and look for suspicious IP or MAC addresses that don’t match your organization’s naming conventions or address allocation schemes.

Analyzing Malware Traffic

Malware often generates network traffic, such as command-and-control (C2) communication or data exfiltration. By capturing and analyzing network traffic, you can identify malicious patterns or signatures, helping you detect and mitigate threats.

For example, you might use tcpdump to capture traffic from a suspicious host (sudo tcpdump -i eth0 host -w suspicious.pcap), then analyze the capture in Wireshark, looking for unusual protocols, ports, or traffic patterns.

Troubleshooting Network Issues

Network protocol analysis can also help troubleshoot network issues, such as latency, packet loss, or misconfigurations. By analyzing traffic patterns and packet details, you can pinpoint the root cause of the problem and implement appropriate fixes.

For example, you might use Wireshark to analyze a slow file transfer between two hosts, looking for retransmissions, duplicate ACKs, or window size issues that could indicate network congestion or poor TCP performance.

Advanced Features and Tips

Both Wireshark and tcpdump offer a wealth of advanced features and options that can help you dig even deeper into network traffic. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of these powerful tools:

Customizing Wireshark

Wireshark is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the interface and preferences to suit your needs. For example, you can create custom columns in the Packet List Pane to display specific protocol fields (e.g., HTTP status codes or DNS query names), or modify the display colors to highlight specific packet types or traffic patterns.

Extending Wireshark with Lua Scripts

Wireshark supports Lua scripting, enabling you to create custom dissectors, post-dissectors, and tap listeners to extend its functionality. With Lua scripts, you can automate tasks, perform custom analysis, or visualize data in unique ways.

For example, you might create a Lua script to dissect a custom application protocol or generate a visual report of network activity during a pen test engagement.

Tcpdump Advanced Options

Tcpdump offers many advanced options that can help you fine-tune your packet captures or filters. For example, you can use the -c option to limit the number of packets captured, the -s option to specify the snaplen (i.e., the maximum amount of data captured per packet), or the -t, -tt, -ttt, or -tttt options to control the timestamp format.

Remote Capturing

Both Wireshark and tcpdump support remote capturing, allowing you to collect network traffic from a remote system without having to install the tools on that system. This can be particularly useful when analyzing traffic on devices with limited resources or in environments where installing additional software is not feasible.

For remote capturing with Wireshark, you can use the rpcapd daemon (available on Windows and Unix-based systems), or SSH tunneling (on Unix-based systems).

For remote capturing with tcpdump, you can use tools like ssh or nc (netcat) to pipe captured traffic to your local machine, where it can be saved to a file or analyzed in real-time.


Network protocol analysis is a critical skill for any hacker or pen tester, and tools like Wireshark and tcpdump provide invaluable capabilities for capturing, dissecting, and analyzing network traffic. With a solid understanding of these tools and their advanced features, you’ll be well-equipped to uncover vulnerabilities, detect threats, and troubleshoot network issues.

So, go ahead, and immerse yourself in the world of packets and protocols, armed with Wireshark and tcpdump. Happy hacking, and may your pen tests be successful!