Welcome back, fellow red teamers and pen testers! In this fifth installment of our series on social engineering, we’re going to delve deep into the dark arts of vishing and smishing. We’ve already discussed various social engineering techniques and real-world examples in our previous articles, so now it’s time to put those skills to the test with some advanced tactics that can help you excel in your engagements. Remember, our goal is to stay ahead of the curve and outsmart our targets, so let’s get started!

Understanding Vishing and Smishing

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, it’s essential to understand what vishing and smishing are and how they differ from traditional phishing. Vishing, or voice phishing, is a social engineering attack conducted over the phone. It involves the attacker impersonating someone else, usually from a reputable organization, to extract sensitive information or manipulate the target into performing specific actions. Smishing, on the other hand, is the malicious use of SMS (Short Message Service) to deceive the target and compromise their security.

The Art of Vishing

Vishing attacks can be highly effective because they exploit the inherent trust people have in phone conversations. Attackers can use various tactics to establish credibility and manipulate the target into divulging sensitive information or granting unauthorized access. Let’s discuss some common vishing techniques and how you can execute them during your engagements.

Caller ID Spoofing

One of the most crucial aspects of a successful vishing attack is disguising your identity. This can be achieved through caller ID spoofing, which allows you to display a fake phone number on the target’s phone. For example, you could pretend to be calling from the victim’s bank, making it more likely that they’ll trust you and comply with your requests.

To perform caller ID spoofing, you can use tools like SpoofCard, which offers an easy-to-use interface for setting up a spoofed call. You can also use open-source solutions like Asterisk PBX for more advanced control.

Pretexting and Elicitation

Once you’ve disguised your identity, the next step is to establish a convincing pretext. This involves creating a believable story that justifies your call and your request for information. The pretext should be tailored to your target and their specific environment. For example, if you’re targeting an employee at a large organization, you could pretend to be from the IT department and claim you need to update their account information.

Elicitation is the process of subtly extracting information from the target during the conversation. The key to successful elicitation is asking open-ended questions that encourage the target to provide more information than they intended. You can also use techniques like mirroring, which involves repeating the target’s statements back to them to build rapport and make them feel more comfortable divulging sensitive information.

Voicemail Hacking

Voicemail hacking is another effective vishing technique that can provide valuable intelligence for your engagement. This involves exploiting weak voicemail security to gain unauthorized access to the target’s messages. Once inside, you can eavesdrop on their conversations, gain access to sensitive information, or even intercept and redirect calls.

To perform voicemail hacking, you can use tools like Wavestone’s Voicemailcracker or the open-source Viproy VoIP Penetration Testing Kit. These tools automate the process of brute-forcing voicemail accounts and make it easier to exploit weak security.

Here’s an example of how to use Voicemailcracker to perform a voicemail attack:

$ voicemailcracker --victimnumber 5551234567 --carrier voip_provider

In this example, Voicemailcracker will attempt to brute-force the voicemail account of the target with the phone number “5551234567” using the specified VoIP provider.

Mastering Smishing

Smishing attacks can be just as effective as vishing, if not more so, due to the widespread use of mobile devices and the trust people place in SMS messages. Smishing campaigns often involve sending fraudulent text messages to trick the target into clicking on malicious links, downloading malware, or divulging sensitive information. Let’s take a look at some popular smishing techniques and tools.

Crafting Convincing Messages

The success of a smishing attack largely depends on the believability of the message you send. Your message should be concise, well-written, and relevant to the target. It should also create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action. For example, you could impersonate the target’s bank and warn them about a potential security breach, urging them to click on a link to verify their account information.

URL Shortening and Tracking

Using URL shorteners can make your malicious links appear more legitimate and increase the chances of the target clicking on them. Services like Bitly or TinyURL allow you to create custom short URLs, making it easier to incorporate them into your smishing messages. Additionally, some URL shortening services offer tracking capabilities, enabling you to monitor the success of your campaign and gather useful analytics about the target’s behavior.

SMS Spoofing and Bulk Messaging

Sending spoofed SMS messages is critical for a successful smishing campaign. Tools like SMSSpoof or GSM modem-based solutions can be used to send messages with a fake sender ID, making them appear to be from a legitimate source.

For bulk messaging, you can use tools like Kannel, an open-source SMS gateway, or commercial services like Nexmo or Twilio, which offer APIs for sending messages programmatically.

Here’s a Python code snippet to send a smishing message using the Twilio API:

from twilio.rest import Client

account_sid = 'your_account_sid'
auth_token = 'your_auth_token'
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

message = client.messages.create(
    body='Your bank account has been compromised. Click the link to verify your identity: http://bit.ly/fake-link',

print(f"Message sent with ID: {message.sid}")

This example sends a smishing message with a fake bank alert, urging the recipient to click on the malicious link.

Real-World Examples

Now that we’ve covered the tactics and tools, let’s take a look at some real-world examples of vishing and smishing attacks.

Vishing: The Twitter Hack of 2020

In July 2020, a massive vishing attack targeted Twitter employees, leading to the compromise of several high-profile accounts, including those of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Barack Obama. The attackers used a combination of caller ID spoofing and pretexting to convince employees that they were from Twitter’s IT department. Once they gained access to internal tools, they were able to reset passwords and post unauthorized tweets promoting a Bitcoin scam.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential impact of vishing attacks, even on large organizations with robust security measures in place. It also highlights the importance of raising awareness and training employees to recognize and respond appropriately to such attacks.

Smishing: The FedEx Delivery Scam

A widespread smishing campaign in early 2020 involved scammers impersonating FedEx and sending fake delivery notifications via SMS. The messages claimed that the target had a package waiting for them and urged them to click on a link to confirm their details and schedule the delivery. However, the link led to a phishing website designed to steal the target’s personal information and credit card details.

This example demonstrates the effectiveness of smishing attacks in exploiting people’s trust in seemingly legitimate messages. It also underscores the importance of scrutinizing unexpected messages, even if they appear to be from reputable sources.

Detection and Prevention

To stay ahead of the game, it’s essential to understand how to detect and prevent vishing and smishing attacks. Here are some key strategies for both targets and red teamers:

Education and Training

Educating employees and raising awareness about vishing and smishing techniques is crucial in preventing successful attacks. Regular training sessions and simulated attacks can help build resilience against these threats by teaching people to recognize the telltale signs and react appropriately.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implementing multi-factor authentication can provide an additional layer of security against vishing and smishing attacks, making it more difficult for attackers to gain unauthorized access to accounts and systems. Encourage the use of MFA in your organization and your engagements.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring call and message logs for suspicious activity can help detect vishing and smishing attacks in progress. Encourage employees to report any unusual or unexpected messages they receive, and establish a clear reporting process to ensure swift action is taken.


Vishing and smishing are potent weapons in the arsenal of any red teamer or pen tester. By mastering these advanced techniques, you can significantly increase your chances of success in your engagements and help organizations identify and address their vulnerabilities. Stay vigilant, keep learning, and happy hacking!

That wraps up our deep dive into vishing and smishing. I hope you’ve found this article informative and valuable in your ongoing quest to become a more effective and knowledgeable professional hacker. Remember, our ultimate goal is to improve security by exposing weaknesses and educating others. So, let’s continue to hone our skills and make the digital world a safer place for all.