Greetings, fellow hackers! UncleSp1d3r is back with another thrilling article in our exploit development and malware analysis series. If you’ve been keeping up with the series, you know that we’ve already covered the basics of exploit development and have delved into some advanced topics. Today, we’re going to take it up another notch and discuss Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), an advanced exploit technique that has gained widespread popularity among red teams and pen testers.

ROP is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of a skilled hacker. It allows us to circumvent security mechanisms like DEP ( Data Execution Prevention) and ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization), enabling us to execute arbitrary code despite the presence of these defenses. The beauty of ROP is that it repurposes existing code snippets, called “gadgets,” to achieve our malicious goals. This article will dive deep into ROP, providing examples and code samples to help you grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

So, buckle up, my fellow hackers! We’re in for an exciting ride.

Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) - The Basics

Before we dive into ROP, let’s quickly recap some essential background knowledge.

Stack-Based Buffer Overflows

Stack-based buffer overflows are a common vulnerability in programs that can be exploited to achieve code execution. The basic idea is to overflow a buffer on the stack, thereby overwriting the return address with a value of our choosing. This manipulated return address can then point to our shellcode, enabling us to execute arbitrary code.

For example, consider the following vulnerable C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void foo(char *str) {
    char buffer[64];
    strcpy(buffer, str);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <input_string>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    return 0;

This program has a buffer overflow vulnerability in the foo function, where strcpy is used to copy the input string to a fixed-size buffer without bounds checking. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by providing a long input string that overflows the buffer, potentially overwriting the return address and gaining control of the program’s execution flow.

Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature implemented in modern operating systems that marks certain memory regions as non-executable. This prevents attackers from injecting and executing shellcode in data regions like the stack or the heap. DEP has made it more difficult to exploit buffer overflows and other memory corruption vulnerabilities. However, as we will see, ROP can be used to bypass DEP.

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is another security feature that randomizes the memory layout of a process. This makes it harder for attackers to predict the addresses of libraries, stack, and heap, complicating the process of crafting a successful exploit.

Combined, DEP and ASLR create significant obstacles for attackers. However, ROP can help us bypass these defenses, allowing us to craft powerful exploits.

Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) - The Concept

Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) is an advanced exploitation technique that involves chaining together small code snippets, called “gadgets,” to perform arbitrary computation. These gadgets are already present in the memory of the target process, usually within libraries or the program’s own code. Each gadget typically performs a simple operation and then ends with a ret instruction. By carefully choosing and chaining these gadgets, we can perform complex operations without injecting any new executable code into the target process, effectively bypassing DEP.

ROP can also help us bypass ASLR. While ASLR randomizes the base addresses of libraries, it does not randomize the relative offsets of functions within those libraries. Once we find a suitable ROP gadget within a library, we can leverage information leaks or other techniques to bypass ASLR and correctly compute the gadget’s address at runtime.


Gadgets are the building blocks of ROP exploits. A gadget typically consists of a few assembly instructions followed by a ret instruction. The ret instruction is crucial, as it allows us to chain multiple gadgets together by controlling the stack contents.

Let’s consider a simple example to illustrate the concept of gadgets. Suppose we have the following gadget in memory at address 0x08048400:

0x08048400: pop eax
0x08048401: ret

This gadget performs a single operation: it pops a value from the stack into the eax register and then returns. To use this gadget, we need to control the stack in such a way that the return address points to the gadget’s address (0x08048400), and the subsequent value on the stack is the value we want to place in the eax register.

Here’s an example of how the stack might look like:


When the ret instruction is executed, the gadget’s address (0x08048400) is popped from the stack into the instruction pointer (EIP), causing the gadget to execute. The gadget then pops the value 0xDEADBEEF into the eax register and returns. By carefully controlling the stack, we can chain multiple gadgets together to perform complex operations.

ROP Chains

A ROP chain is a sequence of gadgets that are executed in a specific order to perform a desired operation. To create a ROP chain, we need to carefully set up the stack such that each gadget’s return address points to the next gadget in the chain.

Consider the following two gadgets:

Gadget 1:
0x08048400: pop eax
0x08048401: ret

Gadget 2:
0x08048410: pop ebx
0x08048411: ret

We can chain these gadgets together to first load a value into the eax register and then load another value into the ebx register. The stack would look like this:


When the first gadget executes, it pops the value 0xDEADBEEF into eax and then returns to the address of the second gadget (0x08048410). The second gadget then pops the value 0xBAADF00D into ebx and returns. This is a simple example of a ROP chain.

To create more complex ROP chains, we need to find and chain gadgets that perform a variety of operations, such as arithmetic, memory access, and control flow. For example, to perform a system call, we might need to set up the appropriate registers with the desired syscall number and arguments, and then execute the int 0x80 instruction. This would require finding and chaining gadgets that can manipulate registers, load values into registers, and finally execute the int 0x80 instruction.

ROP and Bypassing DEP

ROP is particularly effective at bypassing DEP because it does not rely on injecting executable code into the target process. Instead, it repurposes existing code snippets, or gadgets, to perform the desired computation. Since the gadgets are already present in the process memory and marked as executable, DEP does not prevent their execution.

To illustrate this, let’s consider a vulnerable program with DEP enabled. Suppose the program has a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability, but we cannot directly inject and execute our shellcode due to DEP. However, we can use ROP to achieve code execution by overwriting the return address with the address of a ROP gadget that calls our shellcode.

ROP and Bypassing ASLR

While ROP does not inherently bypass ASLR, it can be used in conjunction with other techniques to do so. For example, we can leverage information leaks to disclose the base address of a library loaded in the target process. Once we have this information, we can compute the addresses of the gadgets within that library and build our ROP chain accordingly.

Another approach to bypassing ASLR is partial address overwrites. In some cases, we may only be able to control a portion of the return address, such as the least significant byte. By carefully selecting gadgets that have the same least significant byte in their addresses, we can bypass ASLR and execute our ROP chain.

Building ROP Chains

Now that we understand the concept of ROP, let’s dive into the process of building ROP chains. This process involves several steps, including finding gadgets, chaining gadgets, and setting up the stack.

Finding Gadgets

Finding suitable gadgets is a crucial step in building a ROP chain. We need to search the target process’s memory for code snippets that perform the desired operations and end with a ret instruction.

There are several tools available to help automate the process of finding gadgets, such as ROPgadget and rp++. These tools can search a given binary or library for potential gadgets and output a list of found gadgets, along with their addresses and instructions.

For example, to find gadgets in a given binary using ROPgadget, you would run the following command:

$ ROPgadget --binary target_binary

This command will output a list of found gadgets, like this:

0x08048400 : pop eax ; ret
0x08048410 : pop ebx ; ret
0x08048420 : add eax, ebx ; ret

With the list of gadgets in hand, we can then start building our ROP chain.

Chaining Gadgets

Once we have identified suitable gadgets, we need to chain them together to perform the desired computation. This involves setting up the stack such that each gadget’s return address points to the next gadget in the chain and the necessary operands are available on the stack when needed.

When chaining gadgets, it is important to consider the side effects of each gadget. Some gadgets may modify registers or memory locations that are used by subsequent gadgets, leading to unintended consequences. To avoid this, we need to carefully analyze the gadgets and their interactions, and possibly insert additional gadgets to restore the state of registers or memory locations before executing the next gadget in the chain.

In some cases, we may need to use “pivot” gadgets to manipulate the stack pointer and move it to a different region of memory, such as the heap. This can be useful when the available stack space is limited or when we want to avoid overwriting important data on the stack.

Setting up the Stack

After identifying and chaining the gadgets, we need to set up the stack to execute the ROP chain. This typically involves overwriting the return address of a vulnerable function with the address of the first gadget in the chain, and then carefully placing the operands and subsequent gadget addresses on the stack.

In some cases, we may need to “align” the stack before executing the ROP chain. This is because some gadgets may use instructions that require the stack pointer to be aligned to a certain boundary, such as a 16-byte boundary. To align the stack, we can use gadgets that perform arithmetic operations on the stack pointer, such as add esp, X or sub esp, X, where X is an appropriate value.

Real-World Example: ROP Exploit for a Vulnerable Program

Now that we have covered the basics of building ROP chains, let’s walk through an example of exploiting a vulnerable program using ROP.

Consider the following vulnerable C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void vulnerable_function(char *str) {
    char buffer[64];
    strcpy(buffer, str);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <input_string>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    return 0;

This program has a buffer overflow vulnerability in the vulnerable_function function, where strcpy is used to copy the input string to a fixed-size buffer without bounds checking. Our goal is to exploit this vulnerability using ROP to execute arbitrary code.

First, we need to find suitable gadgets in the target binary or loaded libraries. For this example, we’ll assume that we have found the following gadgets:

0x08048400 : pop eax ; ret
0x08048410 : pop ebx ; ret
0x08048420 : add eax, ebx ; ret
0x08048430 : int 0x80 ; ret

Next, we need to chain these gadgets together to perform the desired computation. In this case, we want to execute the execve system call to launch a shell. To do this, we need to set up the registers as follows:

  1. eax should contain the syscall number for execve (11 on x86 Linux)
  2. ebx should point to the string “/bin/sh” (assuming it is already present in memory)
  3. ecx and edx should be set to 0 (indicating no arguments and no environment)

We can use the following ROP chain to achieve this:

  1. pop eax ; ret - load the syscall number (11) into eax
  2. pop ebx ; ret - load the address of the “/bin/sh” string into ebx
  3. xor ecx, ecx ; ret - zero out the ecx register
  4. xor edx, edx ; ret - zero out the edx register
  5. int 0x80 ; ret - execute the system call

Finally, we need to set up the stack to execute this ROP chain. Assuming that the address of the “/bin/sh” string is 0x0804A080, we can construct the following payload:



  • RA1 is the address of the pop eax ; ret gadget (0x08048400)
  • RA2 is the address of the pop ebx ; ret gadget (0x08048410)
  • RA3 is the address of the xor ecx, ecx ; ret gadget (assumed)
  • RA4 is the address of the xor edx, edx ; ret gadget (assumed)
  • RA5 is the address of the int 0x80 ; ret gadget (0x08048430)

With this payload, we can overflow the buffer in the vulnerable_function, overwrite the return address with the address of the first gadget in the ROP chain, and execute our ROP chain to launch a shell.

Advanced ROP Techniques

As ROP has evolved, so have the techniques used by hackers to create more sophisticated ROP chains. In this section, we’ll briefly discuss some advanced ROP techniques that can be used in complex exploitation scenarios.

Just-In-Time ROP (JIT-ROP)

Just-In-Time ROP (JIT-ROP) is an advanced ROP technique that involves dynamically constructing ROP chains at runtime. JIT-ROP can be used to bypass ASLR by leveraging information leaks to disclose the base addresses of loaded libraries, and then computing the addresses of gadgets on-the-fly.

In a typical JIT-ROP exploit, the attacker would first identify an information leak that can be used to disclose the base address of a library. Next, they would craft a ROP chain that uses the leaked address to compute the addresses of gadgets within the library. Finally, they would use the dynamically-constructed ROP chain to execute arbitrary code.

ROP Compiler

ROP compilers are tools that can automatically generate ROP chains given a high-level description of the desired computation. These tools can help simplify the process of building complex ROP chains by abstracting away the low-level details of gadget selection and chaining.

ROP compilers typically work by first searching for gadgets in a target binary or library, and then using constraint solving techniques to find a sequence of gadgets that perform the specified computation. The output of a ROP compiler is a ROP chain that can be used in an exploit.

Some popular ROP compilers include Q (ROPc), Ropper, and ROPGenerator.

ROP Payloads

ROP payloads are pre-built ROP chains that can be easily integrated into exploits. These payloads typically perform common tasks, such as bypassing DEP, disabling ASLR, or executing shellcode.

ROP payloads can be useful in situations where the target binary or libraries do not contain suitable gadgets for a specific task, or when building a ROP chain from scratch is time-consuming or difficult.

Some popular ROP payloads include (a plugin for Immunity Debugger) and the Metasploit ROP database.


Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) is a powerful exploit technique that enables attackers to execute arbitrary code despite the presence of security mechanisms like DEP and ASLR. By chaining together small code snippets called " gadgets," ROP exploits can bypass these defenses and perform complex operations without injecting any new executable code into the target process.

In this article, we’ve covered the basics of ROP, including the concept of gadgets and ROP chains, as well as the process of building ROP chains using tools like ROPgadget and ROP compilers. We’ve also discussed advanced ROP techniques such as JIT-ROP and the use of ROP payloads.

As a red teamer or penetration tester, understanding ROP and being able to develop ROP-based exploits is an essential skill. It allows you to adapt to different exploit scenarios and bypass various security mechanisms that might otherwise prevent successful exploitation.

However, it’s important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Always ensure that you are using your knowledge and skills ethically and within the bounds of the law. Keep learning, stay curious, and always strive to improve your craft as a security professional.

Happy hacking!