Welcome to Programming Thursdays, my fellow hackers and pen testers! Today, I want to introduce you to a powerful programming language that can help you take your skills to the next level: Lua.

If you’re not familiar with Lua, don’t worry. This language may not be as well-known as Python or Java, but it has a lot to offer for those of us in the security field. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of Lua programming, including variables and data types, operators, control structures, and functions. Then, we’ll dive into how Lua can be used for pen testing and red teaming, including examples of a port scanner, password cracker, and web crawler. Finally, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of Lua versus other languages commonly used by pen testers and red team members.

So, let’s get started!

Basic Concepts and Syntax

Variables and Data Types

Like most programming languages, Lua allows you to create variables to store data. Here’s an example:

-- create a variable named "name" and assign it the value "Alice"
name = "Alice"

In this example, we’ve created a variable called “name” and assigned it the string value “Alice”. Note that Lua does not require you to declare the data type of a variable - it will automatically determine the type based on the value assigned to it.

Here are some examples of other data types in Lua:

-- integer
age = 25

-- floating point number
weight = 65.4

-- boolean (true/false)
is_student = true

-- table (similar to an array in other languages)
grades = {90, 85, 95, 87}


Lua supports a variety of operators for performing arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations. Here are some examples:

-- arithmetic operators
a = 10
b = 5
sum = a + b -- sum = 15
difference = a - b -- difference = 5
product = a * b -- product = 50
quotient = a / b -- quotient = 2

-- logical operators
c = true
d = false
result1 = c and d -- result1 = false
result2 = c or d -- result2 = true
result3 = not c -- result3 = false

-- comparison operators
e = 10
f = 5
result4 = e == f -- result4 = false
result5 = e ~= f -- result5 = true
result6 = e > f -- result6 = true
result7 = e <= f -- result7 = false

Control Structures

Like most programming languages, Lua supports control structures such as if-then statements and loops. Here are some examples:

-- if-then statement
x = 10
if x > 5 then
  print("x is greater than 5")
  print("x is less than or equal to 5")

-- for loop
for i=1,5 do

-- while loop
j = 1
while j < 5 do
  j = j + 1


In Lua, you can define functions to encapsulate blocks of code that can be reused throughout your program. Here’s an example:

function add(a, b)
  return a + b

result = add(3, 5) -- result = 8

Pen Testing and Red Teaming with Lua

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Lua programming, let’s talk about how this language can be used for pen testing and red teaming tasks. Lua is a versatile language that can be used for a variety of tasks in the security field, including network analysis, password cracking, and web scraping. Here are some examples:

Port Scanner

A port scanner is a tool that can be used to identify open ports on a network. In Lua, you can use the “socket” library to perform this task. Here’s an example:

-- load the socket library
socket = require("socket")

-- define the IP address and port range to scan
ip = ""
start_port = 1
end_port = 1024

-- loop through each port in the range and attempt to connect
for port=start_port,end_port do
  -- create a TCP socket and attempt to connect
  local client = socket.tcp()
  local result, err = client:connect(ip, port)

  -- if the connection succeeded, print the port number
  if result ~= nil then
    print("Port " .. port .. " is open")

In this example, we’re using the “socket.tcp()” function to create a TCP socket, then attempting to connect to each port in the specified range. If the connection succeeds, we print a message indicating that the port is open.

Password Cracker

A password cracker is a tool that can be used to guess passwords for user accounts. In Lua, you can use the “openssl” library to perform cryptographic operations such as hashing and encryption. Here’s an example:

-- load the openssl library
openssl = require("openssl")

-- define the user account and password hash to crack
user = "alice"
hash = "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" -- this is the MD5 hash of the password "password"

-- loop through each possible password and check if it matches the hash
for i=1,1000000 do
  -- hash the current password guess
  password = tostring(i)
  md5hash = openssl.digest("md5", password)

  -- check if the hash matches the target hash
  if md5hash == hash then
    print("Password for user " .. user .. " is: " .. password)

In this example, we’re looping through each possible password (represented as an integer) and using the " openssl.digest()" function to compute the MD5 hash of each password. We then check if the hash matches the target hash, and if so, print the password.

Web Crawler

A web crawler is a tool that can be used to extract information from websites. In Lua, you can use the “lua-curl” library to perform HTTP requests and extract data from HTML documents. Here’s an example:

-- load the lua-curl library
curl = require("cURL")

-- define the URL to crawl and the search term to look for
url = "https://example.com"
search_term = "example"

-- perform an HTTP GET request to the URL
c = curl.easy_init()
c:setopt(curl.OPT_URL, url)
c:setopt(curl.OPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true)
c:setopt(curl.OPT_WRITEFUNCTION, function(str) end)
c:setopt(curl.OPT_WRITEDATA, {})

-- extract the HTML document from the response
html = c:getinfo(curl.INFO_RESPONSE_CODE)

-- search the HTML document for the search term
if string.find(html, search_term) then
  print("Search term found on " .. url)
  print("Search term not found on " .. url)

In this example, we’re using the “curl” library to perform an HTTP GET request to the specified URL. We then extract the HTML document from the response, and search the document for the specified search term. This code first loads the lua-curl library, which is used to perform HTTP requests. The code then defines the URL to crawl and the search term to look for. It then performs an HTTP GET request to the specified URL using curl, extracts the HTML document from the response, and searches the document for the specified search term using the string.find function. Finally, it prints a message indicating whether the search term was found or not.

Pros and Cons of Lua for Pen Testers and Red Team Members

Now that we’ve seen some examples of how Lua can be used for pen testing and red teaming, let’s weigh the pros and cons of this language compared to other commonly-used languages like Python and Ruby.


  • Lightweight: Lua is a small and fast language that can be easily embedded into other applications. This makes it ideal for scripting and automation tasks in the security field.
  • Easy to learn: Lua has a simple syntax and a small set of built-in functions, making it easy to pick up and start using quickly.
  • Versatile: Lua can be used for a wide range of tasks, from network analysis to web scraping to cryptography.


  • Limited libraries: While Lua does have a growing number of libraries available, it still lacks the breadth and depth of libraries available for languages like Python and Ruby.
  • Small community: The Lua community is relatively small compared to other programming communities, which means there are fewer resources and support available.
  • Limited use cases: While Lua can be used for a wide range of tasks, it may not be the best choice for more complex projects or applications.

Despite these limitations, Lua is still a powerful language that can be a valuable tool for pen testers and red team members. Its lightweight and versatile nature make it a great choice for quick scripts and automation tasks, while its simple syntax makes it easy to learn and use. If you’re looking for a new language to add to your toolkit, consider giving Lua a try.

Where have I seen Lua before?

While Lua may not be as widely used as languages like Python or Ruby in the security field, it still has a number of real-world use cases that pen testers and red teamers may encounter.

One common use case for Lua is in network analysis tools like Wireshark. Lua can be used to write scripts that extend the functionality of Wireshark, allowing for more complex packet analysis and filtering. This can be particularly useful for identifying and analyzing specific types of network traffic, such as HTTP requests or DNS queries.

Another use case for Lua is in game hacking and cheating. Lua is commonly used as a scripting language in video games, and can be used to create cheats and hacks that allow players to gain an unfair advantage. While this may not be a legitimate use case for Lua in the security field, it is an example of how Lua can be used to modify and manipulate software.

Lua is also used in a number of popular software applications, such as the VLC media player and the nginx web server. While pen testers and red teamers may not encounter Lua directly in these applications, understanding Lua can give them a better understanding of how these applications work and how they can be exploited.

Finally, Lua can be used in a wide range of custom applications and tools. Its lightweight and versatile nature make it a great choice for scripting and automation tasks in the security field, and many security professionals have developed their own Lua scripts and tools for specific tasks.

Overall, while Lua may not be as well-known or widely used as other programming languages in the security field, it still has a number of important use cases and applications. Pen testers and red teamers who are interested in expanding their knowledge and skills would do well to consider learning Lua and exploring its potential applications in their work.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of Lua programming, including variables and data types, operators, control structures, and functions. We’ve also seen some examples of how Lua can be used for pen testing and red teaming, including a port scanner, password cracker, and web crawler. Finally, we’ve weighed the pros and cons of Lua compared to other languages commonly used by pen testers and red team members.

I hope this introduction to Lua has been helpful to you. As always, stay curious and keep learning!