Welcome back to “Programming Thursdays”! In a previous week, we explored the world of Ruby programming and its basic concepts. This week, we’re diving deeper into the world of web development with Rails, a powerful framework built on Ruby. In this article, we’ll uncover Rails’ best practices and tips for efficient web development, all while keeping the professional hacker’s perspective in mind.

As a hacker or pen tester, you’re always looking for vulnerabilities in web applications. Understanding Rails’ inner workings and best practices will give you a significant edge when it comes to identifying weaknesses and exploiting them. So, buckle up and get ready to dive deep into Rails and become a more efficient web developer and pen tester!

Introduction to Rails

Rails is a web application framework that leverages the power and simplicity of the Ruby programming language. Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and provides a set of built-in tools, libraries, and best practices that enable developers to build web applications efficiently.

Rails is popular for its “convention over configuration” philosophy, which means that it makes assumptions about the structure and behavior of your application, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than configuring settings.

Before we dive into Rails’ best practices and tips, let’s quickly recap the MVC pattern, which is at the core of Rails’ architecture.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern

The Model-View-Controller pattern is an architectural pattern that separates an application’s concerns into three interconnected components:

  1. Model: Represents the data and the business logic of the application. It is responsible for retrieving and storing data, as well as performing any necessary data processing.
  2. View: Represents the user interface and the presentation of the data. It displays the data from the model to the user and receives user input.
  3. Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. It receives user input from the view, processes it, and updates the model and view accordingly.

By separating these concerns, the MVC pattern promotes modularity, maintainability, and testability in web applications.

Now that we’ve got a basic understanding of Rails and the MVC pattern, let’s move on to Rails’ best practices and tips for efficient web development.

Rails Best Practices

Follow the MVC Pattern

As a Rails developer, it’s crucial to adhere to the MVC pattern when structuring your application. This means keeping your models, views, and controllers separate and focused on their respective responsibilities.

For instance, here’s a simple example of how the MVC pattern might look in a Rails application:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  # Model code related to the User data and business logic

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  # Controller code for handling user-related actions

# app/views/users/index.html.erb
<% @users.each  do |user| %>
  <%= user.name %> - <%= user.email %>
<% end %>

In this example, the User model handles the data and business logic, the UsersController processes user-related actions, and the index.html.erb view displays the data.

By adhering to the MVC pattern, you ensure that your application is easy to maintain and extend.

Keep the Controllers Skinny

A common Rails best practice is to keep your controllers “skinny.” This means that controllers should only handle actions directly related to HTTP requests and responses, delegating any complex logic or data processing to the models or other service objects.

Here’s an example of a “skinny” controller:

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @users = User.active_users

  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])

  # More controller actions ...

In this example, the UsersController only handles the HTTP actions and delegates the data processing to the User model.

Use Models for Business Logic

In line with keeping controllers skinny, it’s essential to place your application’s business logic in the models or other service objects. This ensures that your code is modular, reusable, and testable.

For example, consider an application that manages user accounts and their statuses:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  def self.active_users
    where(active: true)

  def deactivate
    update(active: false)

In this example, the User model contains the business logic related to user accounts and their statuses. By keeping this logic in the model, it becomes easier to maintain, reuse, and test.

DRY - Don’t Repeat Yourself

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is a fundamental programming principle that encourages developers to avoid duplicating code. In Rails, you can achieve this by using partials, helpers, and shared modules.

For example, consider a situation where you need to display a user’s name and email in multiple views. Instead of duplicating the code, you can create a partial:

# app/views/shared/_user_info.html.erb
<%= user.name %> - <%= user.email %>

Then, you can use this partial in other views:

# app/views/users/index.html.erb
<% @users.each  do |user| %>
  <%= render 'shared/user_info', user: user %>
<% end  %>

By following the DRY principle, you ensure that your code is easier to maintain and modify.

Use Rails’ Built-In Security Features

Rails comes with various built-in security features that help protect your application from common web vulnerabilities. As a professional hacker, understanding these features and their implementation is crucial for developing secure applications and identifying potential weaknesses.

Some of the key security features provided by Rails include:

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection through automatic escaping of user input in views
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection using authenticity tokens
  • SQL Injection protection through the use of prepared statements and parameterized queries in ActiveRecord
  • Secure password storage using the has_secure_password method and bcrypt gem

By leveraging these built-in security features, you can minimize the risks associated with web vulnerabilities.

Rails Tips and Tricks

Use Active Record Scopes

Active Record scopes are a powerful feature in Rails that allow you to create reusable, chainable query methods for your models. Scopes can help you write clean, maintainable, and efficient code when querying your database.

For example, consider a User model with a created_at timestamp:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  scope :created_today, -> { where("created_at >= ?", Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day) }
  scope :created_this_week, -> { where("created_at >= ?", Time.zone.now.beginning_of_week) }

With these scopes, you can now chain queries like this:

@users_created_today = User.created_today
@users_created_this_week = User.created_this_week

Scopes help keep your code DRY and promote a clean, organized structure in your models.

Utilize Rails’ Routing System

Rails’ routing system is a powerful tool for managing and organizing your application’s URL structure. By mastering Rails’ routing, you can create clean, maintainable, and intuitive URLs.

For example, consider an application with nested resources:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :teams do
    resources :players

This simple configuration generates a set of RESTful routes for managing teams and their associated players, including nested URLs like /teams/:team_id/players/:id.

You can also customize your routes using constraints, namespaces, and other advanced features:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  namespace :admin do
    resources :users

  resources :teams, constraints: { subdomain: 'api' } do
    resources :players

By utilizing Rails’ routing system, you can create clean, organized, and efficient URL structures for your applications.

Master Rails’ Asset Pipeline

Rails’ asset pipeline is a powerful feature that manages the processing, compression, and concatenation of your application’s CSS, JavaScript, and image files. By mastering the asset pipeline, you can optimize your application’s performance and reduce its load times.

Some key concepts to understand when working with the asset pipeline include:

  • Manifest files: Define the list of assets to be precompiled and included in your application.
  • Fingerprinting: Appends a unique hash to each asset’s filename, enabling efficient caching and cache busting when assets change.
  • Minification and compression: Reduces the file size of your assets, improving load times and bandwidth usage.

To make the most of the asset pipeline, ensure that your assets are organized, optimized, and correctly referenced in your application’s views.

Utilize ActiveSupport

ActiveSupport is a collection of utility classes and standard library extensions that come with Rails. It includes a wide range of helpful methods and modules that can simplify your code and make it more expressive.

For example, ActiveSupport provides convenient time and date calculations:

# Using ActiveSupport's time calculations

ActiveSupport also includes inflector methods for string manipulation:

# Using ActiveSupport's inflector methods
"ruby_on_rails".titleize #=> "Ruby On Rails"
"user".pluralize #=> "users"
"products".singularize #=> "product"

By utilizing ActiveSupport’s features, you can write cleaner, more expressive, and more efficient code.

Use the Rails Console

The Rails console is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with your application’s code and data in real-time. By mastering the Rails console, you can quickly test and debug your application, explore its data, and even manipulate its state.

Some common uses of the Rails console include:

  • Querying and manipulating data using ActiveRecord models
  • Testing and debugging code snippets and methods
  • Accessing and modifying application configurations

To launch the Rails console, simply run rails console or rails c in your application’s root directory. From there, you can interact with your application’s code, models, and data as if you were working within the application itself.

Rails Security Tips for Pen Testers and Red Teamers

As a professional hacker, understanding Rails’ inner workings and best practices is essential for identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in web applications. In this section, we’ll cover some common Rails security issues and their implications for pen testers and red teamers.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a common web vulnerability that occurs when an attacker injects malicious scripts into a web application, which are then executed in the context of the user’s browser. Rails helps protect against XSS by automatically escaping user input in views.

However, it’s still important to be aware of potential XSS vulnerabilities, especially when using methods like html_safe or raw, which explicitly mark strings as safe and bypass Rails’ default escaping.

As a pen tester or red teamer, look for instances where user input is not properly escaped or where html_safe or raw methods are used inappropriately.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a web vulnerability that allows an attacker to trick a user into performing actions on a web application without their knowledge or consent. Rails protects against CSRF by using authenticity tokens in forms and AJAX requests.

When auditing a Rails application, ensure that the protect_from_forgery directive is present in the ApplicationController and that authenticity tokens are included in all forms and AJAX requests.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection is a web vulnerability that occurs when an attacker is able to inject malicious SQL code into a web application’s database queries. Rails helps protect against SQL injection through the use of prepared statements and parameterized queries in ActiveRecord.

However, it’s still essential to watch out for potential SQL injection vulnerabilities, especially when using methods like find_by_sql or constructing SQL queries using string interpolation.

As a pen tester or red teamer, look for instances where user input is not properly sanitized or where raw SQL queries are constructed using string interpolation or concatenation.

Insecure Direct Object References

Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) is a web vulnerability that occurs when an attacker can access or manipulate objects in a web application by directly referencing their identifiers, such as in URLs or form inputs.

To protect against IDOR, ensure that proper access controls and authorization checks are in place for all sensitive actions and resources in the application.

As a pen tester or red teamer, look for instances where user input is used directly to reference objects without proper access control or authorization checks.

File Upload Vulnerabilities

File upload vulnerabilities can occur when a web application allows users to upload files without proper validation or security controls in place. This can lead to various security issues, such as the execution of malicious code or the exposure of sensitive data.

To protect against file upload vulnerabilities in Rails, ensure that proper validation, sanitization, and access controls are in place for all file uploads. This may include:

  • Validating the file’s content type and extension
  • Limiting the maximum file size
  • Sanitizing the file’s name and metadata
  • Storing the uploaded files in a secure location with proper access controls

As a pen tester or red teamer, look for instances where file uploads are not properly validated, sanitized, or secured.


Rails is a powerful web application framework that enables developers to build efficient and secure applications. By following Rails’ best practices and tips, you can not only improve your web development skills but also gain valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in web applications as a professional hacker.

In this article, we covered the basics of the Rails framework and its architecture, best practices for efficient web development, and specific security tips for pen testers and red teamers. By understanding and applying these concepts, you can become a more effective Rails developer and a more formidable professional hacker.

Remember, the key to mastering Rails and web application security is continuous learning and practice. So, keep honing your skills, stay updated on the latest Rails developments, and never stop exploring the world of web application hacking. Happy hacking, and see you next time on “Programming Thursdays”!