Greetings fellow hackers and pen testers! In this article, I’m going to walk you through the process of installing Impacket, a powerful and widely-used Python library for working with network protocols. Impacket is a must-have tool for any red teamer or pen tester, as it provides a wealth of functionality for interacting with Windows networks, exploiting vulnerabilities, and more. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to confidently install Impacket on your machine and start using it in your next engagement.

What is Impacket?

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s take a quick look at what Impacket is and what it can do. Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols, with a focus on the SMB protocol used in Windows networking. Impacket allows you to perform a wide range of tasks, including network scanning, password cracking, and exploiting vulnerabilities in Windows systems.

Impacket includes a number of useful tools and utilities, including:

  • smbclient: A command-line client for interacting with SMB shares and performing file transfers
  • rpcclient: A command-line client for interacting with RPC services
  • samrdump: A tool for extracting user account information from Windows SAM databases
  • wmiexec: A tool for executing commands on remote Windows systems using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) protocol
  • psexec: A tool for executing commands on remote Windows systems using the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) protocol

These tools can be incredibly useful in a variety of situations, from performing recon on a network to gaining remote access to a compromised system. With that in mind, let’s get started with the installation process.

Installing Impacket

Step 1: Install Python and pip

Before you can install Impacket, you’ll need to make sure you have Python and pip installed on your system. If you’re using a Linux or macOS system, chances are Python is already installed. To check, open a terminal window and type:

python --version

If you see output that looks something like this:

Python 2.7.18

Then Python is already installed. If not, you can download and install Python from the official Python website.

Once you have Python installed, you’ll also need to install pip, which is the Python package manager. Again, if you’re using a Linux or macOS system, pip may already be installed. You can check by typing:

pip --version

If you see output that looks something like this:

pip 21.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)

Then pip is already installed. If not, you can download and install pip from the official pip website.

Step 2: Install Impacket

With Python and pip installed, you’re ready to install Impacket. To do so, open a terminal window and type:

pip install impacket

This will download and install the latest version of Impacket from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Depending on your system and network speed, this may take a few minutes.

Once the installation is complete, you can test that Impacket is installed correctly by running one of the included tools, such as smbclient. To do so, open a terminal window and type: -h

This will display the help screen for smbclient, indicating that it’s installed and ready to use.

Step 3: Interacting with Remote Windows Systems using Impacket

Now that you have Impacket installed, let’s take a look at how you can use it to interact with a remote Windows system. One of the most useful tools included in Impacket for this purpose is, which allows you to execute commands on a remote Windows system using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) protocol.

To use, you’ll need to have valid credentials for a user account on the target system. You’ll also need to know the IP address or hostname of the system you want to connect to.

To get started, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where Impacket is installed. This is typically something like “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/impacket” on Linux or macOS systems.

Next, run the following command to use to execute a command on the remote system:


Replace <TARGET IP ADDRESS> with the IP address or hostname of the remote system you want to connect to. Replace <NTLM HASH> with the NTLM hash of the user account you want to use for authentication. If you don’t have the NTLM hash, you can use the “-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH” option instead and supply the plaintext password for the user account. Replace <USERNAME> with the username for the user account you want to use for authentication. Finally, replace <COMMAND TO EXECUTE> with the command you want to execute on the remote system.

For example, if you want to execute the “net user” command on a remote system with IP address, using the “user1” account with password “Pass123”, you would run the following command:

python3 -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:80459b...f2b41 user1 "net user"

This will connect to the remote system using WMI, authenticate using the supplied credentials, and execute the “net user” command. The output of the command will be displayed in your terminal window.

Keep in mind that is just one of many tools included in Impacket that can be used to interact with Windows systems. Depending on your needs and the specific target environment, other Impacket tools like,, or may be more appropriate. Take the time to explore the Impacket documentation and familiarize yourself with the full range of tools and functionality it provides.

Real-world Example: Password Cracking with Impacket

One of the most powerful features of Impacket is its ability to crack passwords using a variety of techniques, including dictionary attacks, brute-force attacks, and more. To demonstrate this capability, let’s take a look at a real-world example of using Impacket to crack a password hash.

Suppose you’ve obtained a copy of the SAM database from a compromised Windows system. The SAM database contains user account information, including password hashes, that can be used to attempt to crack passwords.

To extract the password hashes from the SAM database, you can use the samrdump tool included with Impacket. For example, if you have a copy of the SAM database stored in a file called “sam.db”, you can extract the hashes by running: SYSTEM sam.db LOCAL > sam_hive

This will extract the SAM database from the “sam.db” file and save it to a file called “sam_hive”.

Next, you can use the tool included with Impacket to extract the password hashes from the SAM database. For example, to extract the hashes for all user accounts in the SAM database, you can run: -sam sam_hive -system SYSTEM -ntds ntds.dit LOCAL

This will extract the password hashes from the SAM database and save them to a file called “ntds.dit”.

Now that you have the password hashes, you can attempt to crack them using the “ntlm” mode of the hashcat password cracking tool. To do so, you’ll need a wordlist of possible passwords to try. You can use a tool like cewl to generate a custom wordlist based on the contents of a target website or document, or you can use a pre-existing wordlist like the rockyou.txt list.

Assuming you have a wordlist file called “wordlist.txt” and a file containing the password hashes called “ntds.dit”, you can crack the hashes using hashcat by running:

hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 ntds.dit wordlist.txt

This will use the “ntlm” hash mode (-m 1000) and perform a straight (non-combination) brute-force attack (-a 0) using the contents of “wordlist.txt” as the candidate passwords.

Depending on the strength of the passwords in the target environment and the size and quality of your wordlist, this attack could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours or more.

In this example, we’ve demonstrated just one of the many ways that Impacket can be used to perform advanced network attacks and penetration testing activities. By combining Impacket with other tools and techniques, you can gain deep insights into the security posture of your target networks and systems.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of installing and using Impacket, a powerful Python library for working with network protocols. We’ve looked at some of the included tools and utilities, including smbclient, rpcclient, samrdump, wmiexec, and psexec, and demonstrated how to use Impacket to perform password cracking attacks on Windows systems.

Impacket is a versatile and powerful tool that every red teamer and pen tester should have in their arsenal. By mastering Impacket and combining it with other tools and techniques, you’ll be able to perform advanced network reconnaissance and penetration testing activities, uncovering vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to target systems and networks.

Remember, however, that with great power comes great responsibility. Always use Impacket and other hacking tools ethically and responsibly, and never use them for malicious or illegal purposes. With that in mind, happy hacking!